My friends, it’s official. I have now been published twice!
Very excited to have seen the photos of a wonderful and successful launch of The Best of Twisty Christmas Tales from Phantom Feather Press. This on the back of a very successful FundMe campaign, where they funded a print run of books. I’m very proud to part of this project, part of whose funds goes to Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand.

What’s even more amazing is that they sold out of their first print run at the launch. By all accounts, it looked jovial, and it was great to see some young faces in the crowd. They’ve since sold out another two print runs. It is a tribute to the dedication and hard work of Alicia Ponder, Peter Friend and Eileen Mueller, who have worked tirelessly to make this book a success.
There were two brief periods where you could get the electronic book briefly on Amazon. I will keep an eye out for you and share it online if it happens again soon. But when it’s so cheap online, why not support some wonderful authors and a good cause?
There’s been some great reviews of the anthology from Graham Beattie (with an oblique reference to my story – yay!), Cedar Sanderson, Angela Oliver, and Lorraine Orman. Each review has praised the collection, and wonderfully, the reviews on
If you’re interested in a great little Christmas gift complete with stories from some great New Zealander (and Aussie-though I think I might be the only one) authors, please check out the Amazon page where it’s only $3.69 AUD and support a great cause and some excellent writers.
No news on the Subtropical Suspense front, but the book is widely available in bookstores across Brisbane and is relative cheap from the online shop (cheaper than Amazon).
Some of my stories are out in the greater slush piles at the moment. My favourite story, an oldie that I wrote a few years ago and refined, is wracking up the rejections, but I’m aiming high. I hope it will be loved somewhere soon. Hoping to hear a positive from one of the Ticonderoga anthologies. I’m working on a short for an Australian themed anthology that I hope to get into.
Also, I have been trickling words into my novel. I hit two milestones: 100 pages of work with 30, 000 words. I’m hoping in some of the quiet time over Christmas to get some more done.
I’m going to leave with a parting note about reviews. Please remember that the more reviews of a work the better, no matter which platform you choose to review on. It means the collection or book is more likely to come to the attention of readers. So please, as a Christmas gift to all the authors in your life–review, review, review.