This post relates to my previous posting on being an internet sensation.
As of today, I’ve had one response from to say that they are looking into it after my post–no doubt after it started to garner some wider attention from people who were friends of friends (we all know how that can go). It’s been another two days since their response to my post on their wall.
I’ve sent two online queries under two different sections, unsure of to which category my query related.
So, to upping the ante, which is apparently the only way to get a response out of anyone…
There’s this post over on the Facebook Page (where I got my response):
(Update 01/07/2020: This post has now been deleted. Not by me, as far as I can recall)
And also this post on Twitter:
Hey @newscomauHQ. More than a week ago, I sent an enquiry about copyright on a photo your site is using. Sent second query & still no word.
— Sophie, devourer of books 📚 (@Smoph) September 21, 2015
I even posted it on Google+.

If anyone wants to help me get answers, please comment on the Facebook post or like it. Twitter users, retweet or write a tweet of your own while sharing the original tweet as a retweet. Resharing or commenting on the Google+ would be cool too, if anyone has the time.